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Asparagi con fichi e pesto (always sounds good in Italian) Lean in 7

How to Making Recipes Asparagi con fichi e pesto (always sounds good in Italian) Lean in 7 using 14 ingredients and 4 steps

Asparagi con fichi e pesto (always sounds good in Italian) Lean in 7 - I love a really good tangy hummus. Bland hummus is sad and disappointing, good hummus is life.. I love halloumi and always have some in the fridge! This recipe transforms it into a yummy lunch.. Cooking can improve the taste of some fruit and vegetables.

Asparagi con fichi e pesto (always sounds good in Italian)
Lean in 7

Cooking can improve the taste of some fruit and vegetables but it also changes the nutritional content as some vitamins are lost when cooked.

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You can cook Asparagi con fichi e pesto (always sounds good in Italian) Lean in 7 using 14 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients make Asparagi con fichi e pesto (always sounds good in Italian) Lean in 7

  1. It's 125 g (6 stalks) asparagus, woody parts removed.
  2. Prepare 2 figs.
  3. It's 1/2 cup feta cheese or vegan alternative.
  4. It's 2 tbsps almonds.
  5. Prepare salt and pepper.
  6. It's 1 tsp oregano/rosemary.
  7. Prepare Pesto with a twist:.
  8. It's 1 cup parsley.
  9. It's 2 tbsps basil.
  10. Prepare 2 tbsps pecorino.
  11. Prepare 1/2 garlic clove.
  12. You need 1/2 lime zest/ juice.
  13. Prepare few grinds of salt and pepper.
  14. It's 3 tbsps extra virgin olive oil.

Asparagi con fichi e pesto (always sounds good in Italian) Lean in 7 instructions

  1. Slice the asparagus diagonally if eating raw or steam for 3-5 minutes whole then plunge into ice cold water..
  2. Quarter the figs, crumble the feta, chop the almonds and oregano/rosemary and place in a bowl. Drain the asparagus and add..
  3. Pound all the dressing ingredients except the oil in a pestle and mortar then stir in the oil until combined..
  4. Pour the dressing over the asparagus and adjust the seasoning..

Asparagi con fichi e pesto (always sounds good in Italian) Lean in 7 - A set of appetizing cooking recipes complete with Tutorial how to make it. Delicious Recipes, Fresh Food, Healthy and Rich Taste. See great recipes for Delicious juicy quarter pounders too! Find thousands of tested recipes, menus, cooking shortcuts, dinner ideas, family meals, and more at Chef-Sheren. Many traditional Italian recipes can be linked to the local circumstances. Liguria is a mountainous strip of land along the Mediterranean coast without any room for growing wheat. Find recipes with asparagus at Taste of Home! Thank you and good luck