All Recipe Food And Drink

Milo Mug Cake @ 2mins

How to Making Recipes Milo Mug Cake @ 2mins using 8 ingredients and 5 steps

Milo Mug Cake @ 2mins - If you are looking for the perfect simple dessert, this Milo, kid-friendly treat is for you! It takes less than five minutes to put together AND bake. For this mug cake we need - all-purpose flour - sugar - cocopowder - backing powder - bac. Milo Mug Cake is a easy to make Microwave cake. This Milo Mug Cake can also be made in cooker.

Milo Mug Cake @ 2mins

Music : Audio Library Milo cake

If you are looking for the perfect simple dessert, this Milo, kid-friendly treat is for you!

You can cook Milo Mug Cake @ 2mins using 8 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients make Milo Mug Cake @ 2mins

  1. You need 3 tbsp Wheat flour.
  2. It's 1.5 tbsp Milo.
  3. It's 1 tbsp Organic Brown Sugar.
  4. You need 1/2 tsp Baking powder.
  5. Prepare 1/4 tsp Baking Soda.
  6. You need 3 tbsp fresh milk.
  7. Prepare 2 tbsp Refined oil.
  8. It's 1/2 tsp vanilla extract.

Milo Mug Cake @ 2mins step by step

  1. Measure and mix all dry ingredients in a bowl. Mix milk, refined oil & vanilla extract in a coffee Mug..
  2. Now mix all together in the coffee Mug without lumps..
  3. Microwave it for 2 mins. See how the cake double in the size and looks yummy..
  4. Finally, dust some powder sugar and serve hot..
  5. If you want, add some chocolate chips in the cake mixture..

Milo Mug Cake @ 2mins - If you haven't given this one a go its definitely one of the easiest cakes ever. Top with some ice-cream for a nice winter dessert. I was so pissed I threw that recipe aside and started looking for another. So I found one and I made it the next day, and it turned out well I didn't have any on hand so I didn't use chocolate chips or almonds. The resulting cake was somewhat dry but palatable. Although you can omit the chocolate chips I feel like it would be a lot better with them. Next time I want to make a mug cake I will use this recipe it's defiantly worth a try. Thank you and good luck