All Recipe Food And Drink

Kitkat Hot Chocolate Coffee

How to Cook Recipes Kitkat Hot Chocolate Coffee using 5 ingredients and 3 steps

Kitkat Hot Chocolate Coffee - A permanent addition to the Kit Kat lineup, the new flavor is hitting store. The result is a sweet coffee-inspired candy with two chocolatey layers that will give you a better boost than an afternoon latte! McDonald's puts Oreos in their ice cream. Now Canada's beloved quick-service diner restaurant is getting in on the candy bar-coffee goodness with a brand-new Kit Kat drink lineup. This collection of lattes, hot chocolate, and cappuccinos all have the yumminess of a Kit Kat mixed with mocha for an extra sweet start to your day.

Kitkat Hot Chocolate Coffee

It also features two layers, mocha and chocolate, so you get both flavors in every bite.

The top half of the wafer has mocha crรจme with coffee bits while the bottom half has chocolate.

You can cook Kitkat Hot Chocolate Coffee using 5 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients make Kitkat Hot Chocolate Coffee

  1. Prepare 2 cups Milk.
  2. You need 2 tsp coffee powder.
  3. Prepare 2 tsp kitkat powder.
  4. Prepare 2 tsp water.
  5. Prepare 2 tbsp sugar.

Kitkat Hot Chocolate Coffee step by step

  1. First take mixi add coffee, sugar, water, kitKat powder churn all ingredients together for 3 mins coffee mixture is ready.
  2. Now boil the milk add coffee mixture, in the end, add KitKat powder and serve it.
  3. Sip hot..

Kitkat Hot Chocolate Coffee - And lastly, there's something for the non-coffee drinkers in the crowd, as well: Kit Kat Hot Chocolate, which makes an already chocolatey drink even more chocolatey, thanks to the addition of. But hot chocolate + KIT KAT and coffee liqueur, now that's just unfair. Break chocolate bars into pieces; place in blender container. Add coffee and about half the ice cream; cover and blend until smooth. Garnish with whipped cream and nonpareils, if desired. Whether it's fate or just a lucky break, some flavor combinations are destined for each other. Take KIT KATยฎ Duos for instance. Thank you and good luck