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Kimchi Fried Rice with Dancing Shrimp

How to Cook Recipes Kimchi Fried Rice with Dancing Shrimp using 13 ingredients and 3 steps

Kimchi Fried Rice with Dancing Shrimp - Making kimchi fried rice is a snap. First, sear the shrimp (or cook the bacon or other pork product, if using). Next, remove the shrimp and give them a rough chop. Thereafter, add the rice (I used brown rice because that's what I had on hand) and the remaining ingredients. Rice: Fried rice is best made with leftover day old rice.

Kimchi Fried Rice with Dancing Shrimp

Rick Martinez will teach us how to make a shrimp fried rice with kimchi and gochujang, a Korean chile paste.

A little bit of these powerhouse ingredients add a ton of flavor to the dish.

You can cook Kimchi Fried Rice with Dancing Shrimp using 13 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients cook Kimchi Fried Rice with Dancing Shrimp

  1. You need kimchi fried rice.
  2. Prepare day old rice.
  3. It's sesame oil.
  4. It's kimchi from a locally made from an Asian store.
  5. It's dancing shrimp.
  6. It's vegetable oil.
  7. It's Thai red peper flakes.
  8. Prepare minced garlic.
  9. You need red pepper sauce.
  10. It's shrimp.
  11. Prepare soy sauce.
  12. Prepare raw brown sugar.
  13. You need cilantro, chopped.

Kimchi Fried Rice with Dancing Shrimp instructions

  1. Drain kimchi and rough chop. Heat oil and add rice, followed by kimchi. Keep warm until shrimp is cooked..
  2. Heat oil in a pan. Add the garlic, pepper flakes, peppper sauce, soy sauce, sugar and shrimp. Cook until pink. Toss with the cilantro at the end..
  3. Place a bed of kimchi fried rice in a bowl or on a plate. Top with the dancing shrimp..

Kimchi Fried Rice with Dancing Shrimp - The kimchi adds crunch and spice; include some sautéed shrimp and you've got a complete dinner in just one pan. What to buy: Try your hand at homemade kimchi with CHOW 's recipe, or you can purchase kimchi at many grocery stores. Then add the shrimp to your rice. Vegetable Fried Rice: Any stir-fry friendly veggies would be great in fried rice! Just sauté at the same time that you cook the onions, carrots, peas and garlic. Then stir to combine with the fried rice. Kimchi Fried Rice: Fresh kimchi adds a major flavor boost to fried rice. Thank you and good luck