All Recipe Food And Drink

Fried Carrots Cake

How to Making Recipes Fried Carrots Cake using 9 ingredients and 6 steps

Fried Carrots Cake - Set aside and allow it to cool. Fried carrot cake, made from soft fried rice cakes with black soya sauce There are two distinct variations of fried carrot cake—a white version that's fried on top of a beaten egg, and a black version that gets its colour from being cooked with sweet soy sauce. The Recipe Card for Sugar Free Air Fried Carrot Cake. Sugar Free Air Fried Carrot Cake. This delicious and easy dessert recipe for Sugar Free Air Fried Carrot Cake can be made gluten free or low in carbohydrates as well.

Fried Carrots Cake

There is no connection between this dish and the sweet Western carrot cake.

It is called "carrot cake" because of a loose English from Hokkien.

You can cook Fried Carrots Cake using 9 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients make Fried Carrots Cake

  1. You need Pre-pack Carrots Cake.
  2. You need Eggs.
  3. You need Chye Poh (Sweet).
  4. Prepare Pepper powder.
  5. Prepare 2 tbps Soya sauce.
  6. You need 1/2 tbps Fish sauce.
  7. It's Sweet/Dark sauce.
  8. Prepare Garlic.
  9. It's leaf Spring onion/ coriander.

Fried Carrots Cake step by step

  1. Soak the chye po in the water and rise off, slice this carrots cake in cude soak in the water and rise off,chop is the garlic into minced, crack the eggs in a bowl.
  2. Heat oil in pan, fry the chye poh (3min) add the garlic and stir fry together (5min) take it out and put a side.
  3. Heat oil in pan, put the carrots cake in and stir fry for 8min, add in the mixed chye poh and garlic,stir fry together for 5 min, add in pepper powder, fish sauce and soya sauce..
  4. Seprate the carrots cake in to 2 part, 1 for white carrots cake another for dark carrots cake..
  5. White carrots cake: pour in egg and stair fry it (ready to served).
  6. Dark carrots cake: add egg stir fry and add in sweet/dark Sauce (ready to served).

Fried Carrots Cake - Allow to cool and refrigerate overnight. For the plain fried carrot cake: Cut the steamed cake into rectangular slabs of desired size. Singapore Fried Carrot Cake or simply "Carrot Cake" is so named because the Chinese name for the main ingredient (the White Radish/Daikon) "Chhài-thâu" also refers to Carrot "Ang-chhài-thâu". Absolutely no similarity to the western carrot cake, this Asian 'savory cake' can be served plain as Rectangular Slabs. Place grated radish in large straight sided skillet or saucepan with lid. Different from traditional carrot cakes, this cake is extremely moist and flavorful and is topped with a buttermilk glaze while still warm. Try it and I think you will agree that it is the best!! Thank you and good luck