Recipe: Tasty Parle biscuit mug cake (1:30 min in microwave) 🍑🍍🍓🍇🍉

 Posted on Jul 14, 2020

Parle biscuit mug cake (1:30 min in microwave) How to Cook Recipes Parle biscuit mug cake (1:30 min in microwave) using 6 ingredients and 6 steps Parle biscuit mug cake (1:30 min in microwave) - Making this Parle-G cake in microwave. Just like most of my recipes, this cake is versatile enough to bake in an oven and a microwave. Some other microwave recipes that you can are my Eggless. [Read more]

How to Cook Appetizing Easy 5 minutes chocolate mug cake🌰🎂 🍑🍍🍓🍇🍉

 Posted on Jul 14, 2020

Easy 5 minutes chocolate mug cake🌰🎂 Steps Cook Recipes Easy 5 minutes chocolate mug cake🌰🎂 using 8 ingredients and 5 steps Easy 5 minutes chocolate mug cake🌰🎂 - Luckily, though, it's usually nothing that this quick chocolate mug cake can't fix. This spongy cake has a perfect chocolate flavor, and its secret lies in slightly under-cooking it, which yields a lava cake with gooey molten spots all around. This chocolate mug cake recipe is a complete game changer, bestie! [Read more]

How to Cook Appetizing 3 ingredient cookies 🍑🍍🍓🍇🍉

 Posted on Jul 14, 2020

3 ingredient cookies Steps Making Recipes 3 ingredient cookies using 3 ingredients and 2 steps 3 ingredient cookies - For a THREE INGREDIENT PEANUT BUTTER COOKIE this recipe is perfect. Sweetened only by banana and peanut butter these cookies are like fudgy brownie bites. Well, four, if you count sprinkles. I love anything that has toasty oats like my homemade Hob-Nob cookies. These are beyond simple and naturally healthy, as they're free from oil, added sugar or dairy! [Read more]

Recipe: Delicious "Leftover Surprise"...that doesn't have to be a surprise. 🍑🍍🍓🍇🍉

 Posted on Jul 14, 2020

"Leftover Surprise"...that doesn't have to be a surprise. How to Making Recipes "Leftover Surprise"...that doesn't have to be a surprise. using 8 ingredients and 3 steps "Leftover Surprise"...that doesn't have to be a surprise. - "Leftover Surprise".that doesn't have to be a surprise. step by step Throw everything, but the brown rice, tomatoes, and hummus, in the skillet with a low flame. Reheat the brown rice separately then add slices of the roma tomatoes topped with the hummus. [Read more]

Easiest Way to Prepare Appetizing Fish Head Curry (Malaysia original style) 🍑🍍🍓🍇🍉

 Posted on Jul 14, 2020

Fish Head Curry (Malaysia original style) Steps Making Recipes Fish Head Curry (Malaysia original style) using 24 ingredients and 6 steps Fish Head Curry (Malaysia original style) - My two-month vacation here in Penang, Malaysia is coming to an end. Before I leave, I wanted to share a very delicious recipe with you (a specialty of my second sister who is an excellent cook )—Curry Fish Head. For sure, I am going to miss this dish when I return to the United States because some of the key ingredients such as bunga kantan is not available. [Read more]

Easiest Way to Cook Perfect Beet salad with a vinaigrette 🍑🍍🍓🍇🍉

 Posted on Jul 13, 2020

Beet salad with a vinaigrette How to Making Recipes Beet salad with a vinaigrette using 5 ingredients and 3 steps Beet salad with a vinaigrette - Made out of beetroot, combined with a bit of tang from lemon, dressed in olive oil! A light and delicious dressing that is perfect for your everyday salad. My balsamic vinaigrette is perfect for this dish, but feel free to experiment! Try it with my Apple Cider Vinegar Salad Dressing, White Wine Vinaigrette or Easy Herb Vinaigrette Dressing Recipe. [Read more]

Recipe: Yummy Asparagi con fichi e pesto (always sounds good in Italian) Lean in 7 🍑🍍🍓🍇🍉

 Posted on Jul 13, 2020

Asparagi con fichi e pesto (always sounds good in Italian) Lean in 7 How to Making Recipes Asparagi con fichi e pesto (always sounds good in Italian) Lean in 7 using 14 ingredients and 4 steps Asparagi con fichi e pesto (always sounds good in Italian) Lean in 7 - I love a really good tangy hummus. Bland hummus is sad and disappointing, good hummus is life.. I love halloumi and always have some in the fridge! [Read more]

Recipe: Tasty Cabbage rolls "GALUMPKIS" 🍑🍍🍓🍇🍉

 Posted on Jul 13, 2020

Cabbage rolls "GALUMPKIS" Steps Cook Recipes Cabbage rolls "GALUMPKIS" using 18 ingredients and 16 steps Cabbage rolls "GALUMPKIS" - Pour the remaining sweet and sour tomato sauce over the cabbage rolls. Line up the cabbage rolls on top (It is okay to double stack them if you need to). Mix the rest of the soup with the drained stewed tomatoes and pour over the rolls. Put a lid on the pot and cook on medium heat until the pot boils. [Read more]

Recipe: Appetizing Indian Beetroot pancake پنکیک لبو 🍑🍍🍓🍇🍉

 Posted on Jul 13, 2020

Indian Beetroot pancake پنکیک لبو How to Making Recipes Indian Beetroot pancake پنکیک لبو using 10 ingredients and 8 steps Indian Beetroot pancake پنکیک لبو - Are you looking for a gluten free and healthy pancake/bread. Any vegetarians and vegans will be pleased to have this yummy food. This is an Indian savoury pancake, is known as Chilla. It is made with chickpeas/gram or besan flour and not with. [Read more]

Recipe: Perfect kid friendly sloppy joe/taco bake 🍑🍍🍓🍇🍉

 Posted on Jul 13, 2020

kid friendly sloppy joe/taco bake Steps Making Recipes kid friendly sloppy joe/taco bake using 5 ingredients and 9 steps kid friendly sloppy joe/taco bake - Place a large skillet over medium-high heat, and add vegetable oil. Season with salt and pepper, add the onion and garlic and cook a few more minutes to soften. kid friendly sloppy joe/taco bake. These kid friendly sloppy joes are the perfect dinner! These kid-friendly sloppy Joes are the perfect dinner. [Read more]